Bringing in old writings of mine - Value of Life
Thinking upon the value of life, many things come into play such as, how much it takes to raise a child, how much it takes to feed a child, how much that child will make when they grow up, how many people does this child affect in their lifetime, what they do, or plan to do, etc.
The value of a person is commonly said to be "priceless". I say that is wrong. Priceless is just another way of saying that the value of a person is too high to be met right now.
The true value of a person is death.
Sooner or later, we must all pay for the life we have, we experience this fleeting world's pleasures and pains, trials and temptations, joys and sorrows. For all this, we must pay the price. Even those of us who choose to follow Christ must pay the price of living. He paid the cost of sins for us, but we must experienc life for ourselves. The cost of sin is eternal death, the cost of life is physical death, the price of eternal life is to accept Christ's punishement and Him as our Lord, Saviour and God. For everything there is a price; for every choice, a consequencel; for every action, a reaction. The laws that God put in place cannot be broken by man. The question comes. What are you paying for, and is it worth it?
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