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I am just the next guy in line. I am the man at the streetcorner, the fellow asleep at the back of the greyhound. I am the man at the bank, the guy mowing your lawn because you were sick and I was mowing mine at the same time. I am the kid letting you share my towel at the pool, the guy at the beach handing you the tickets to the concert, the strange guy in the corner of the coffee shop. I am the guy that holds the sign by the side of the road "Because Jesus Loves You." I am the guy changing your flat tire for you, filling your tank with gas, buying you groceries, and helping your kids get school supplies. I am the guy who everyone points at and says "I would never be able to do that". All because Christ has given me strength. I love you guys because Jesus loves me.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bringing in old writings of mine - Conservation of Thought

*These have some worthwhile value, but they have been written over a period of several years*

A thought from this past weekend: There is a law of conservation of mass, but are there any other laws similar to that? I proposition "Conservation of Thought". Yes. There is a constant amount of thought in this world. That is why people seem to be getting stupider and stupider, even though we keep dropping the standards.

In DaVinci's day there were less people than there are now, so the extremes between those who had much of the though and those who didnt was not as large. The average thought capabilites were much higher. Again, Emmerson and Thoreaou I proffer up as examples. The renesance happened and there was a high thought average. Now we watch television all day and the average thought per person is quite low. What we consider intelligence is mearly an above average holding of thought capabilies.
Now this doesnt mean that new things can not be invented cause of no new thoughts. New things come from old thoughts that are put together differently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing you, this is merely an attempt to get people to discuss and argue the idea. tsk tsk tsk.

*wink wink*

11:06 AM  

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